

Death on the physical is inevitable.  But I wanna talk about death in the spiritual, mental,emotional, and financial aspects.  

I think most of the time we focus on physical but fail to realize that some of us now, are walking around dead.  Dead spirits, dead hope, dead finances, and emotionally dead. 

We have given up on dreams, visions, goals, and wealth.  We have succomb to being mediocre, content, and OK with our current mental state.

Our life is not to be a revolving door of the same things.  We are meant to grow. So I challenge you all to ask God to breathe life into those dead areas in your life.  And when He does cuz He will, then do your part.

Faith without works is dead…..

Let’s take action!!!

Dry bones come alive…….
😘😘😘😘😘Happy Tuesday😘😘😘😘😘



Wise words bring many benefits,and hard work brings rewards….. Proverbs 12:14

Speak abundance, work hard, trust God….  I see an overflow happening in my life, I feel an overflow happening in my life, and without knowing it I looked up and I was stepping into my destiny….



This morning I woke up extra early because something deep was on my mind.  In some kind of way I got demoted on my job.  Or you may say they stripped me of some of my powers.  I felt betrayed, pissed, spiteful, and angry.

You see no one wants power to be taken away from them.  Who doesn’t like power??  As I sat down to meditate and write I let all my emotions out.  

There came about me a still small voice that recognized that I didn’t like my power being taken and although this demotion was for the best (it will help me focus on perfecting my talents and gifts), it was my pride that was in place.

I am doing a 21 day fast and God let me know those  spirits that I was not liking in my job,  I too held some of those same spirits and He needed to separate me to purge that evilness out of my life.  Not only did He need to purge me but I needed to focus on my bookkeeping because that’s a part of my business plan. 

You see sometimes we Dont understand the plan but it makes sense to ME (God) and if we would sit back and meditate we will sometimes see that it will all make sense.  Everything fits into God perfect plans.  I have decided to tune up my skills this year and I can not focus on many things that will not help me excell in my own personal visions and gains.  Whatever it was that God needed to do He felt I had too much on my plate for His purpose.  At work I was juggling 3 titles, going to school, and raising 3 boys.  

This shift of power was indeed a blessing in disguise…….  




Today I was moved to read John 6…  I try to constantly maintain a good  relationship with God. My morning times are times when its quiet and I can think and pour out my heart to Him and oftentimes he will direct me to scriptures.

John 6:9

“There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish.  But what good is that with this huge crowd?”

Life happens, so at times we only have a little time, a little energy, a little money, and a little sanity to give.  Not only to give to God but to give to people.  

I oftentimes get caught up with thinking I’m not spending enough time with God or people, but today God spoke give what little you have.  So even if I wake up in the morning late and my designated time with God is cut short still give the little.  Even if its a simple text to see if people are alright still do it.  And even if its my last dime but my neighbor needs it still give it.  You see God is a God of multiplying.  The little we give He will multiply times 10.  Just like the little 2 fish the boy gave God was able to feed thousands.

So let’s continue to give people even if we think its little God can and still does use this…..



I was reading today during meditation and John 5:6 stuck out to me.  There was this pool where people would go to dip in and get healed.  Where in this verse there was 1 man who had waited 30 years.. Jesus looks at him and asks “Do you wanna be healed?”

English Standard Version John 5:6
When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”

I think I was a bit taken back as I imagined him asking me this same question.  Kelly, do you wanna be healed?” I think alot of time we get caught up not only in the attention that being “sick”, “not well”, or “öff”, but also with self pity and pity from others.  There are times in my journey where I just dwell in my sickness or any area in my life that is not fully operating up to its potential.  I think this not only delays my healing but puts me in a position where I am  just merely seeking attention (attention seekers dont care if its good or bad or sad attention, they thrive off the attention)

I remember one of my favorite urban hood films PAID IN FULL.  And Ace and Mitch were on the couch.  Ace was telling him about leaving the “game”.  Mitch goes to say if I leave are the fans gonna still love me?

Getting well/healed hurts more because it requires us to do a self examination and deny the flesh.  Yes during this healing process God will show you you if you wanna seek real complete and overrall healing.  This process lets us face the real reality that in certain circumstances we too are at fault.

So His question to me was do you desire to stay sick with all its fleshly benefits or do you desire to get well/healed.  My answer:


Morning Minutes; Woe Is Me.


So for the past 2 days i have been missing in action.  On Wednesday i walked around frustrated, angry, and full of self-pity.  Lol.  You know i missed a whole 2 days because of this foolishness.  One day to self-pity, the next trying to make up for that day.  Waste of time Right.

So Wednesday night I got a glimpse of reality. Wallowing the whole day, just worrying, about little things.  Matthew 6:25-34 was immediately brought to my attention.  God says don’t worry about anything, clothes, food, and etc. He will take care of you.  He will give me all of that.  Your focus should be on Kingdom things.

Well what are Kingdom things? Love, worship, and service.

Do not confuse this statement. We are to have goals and when given a problem do all that we can but the outcome is Gods alone.  He can not work unless you give Him something to work from. Faith without works is DEAD.. But, worrying about the outcome, and/or whether you will meet the mark of your goals, is up to you.  You can either fret the place you’re at now or learn to be content in all situations.

I sat back and thanked God for everything, because while i was in self-pity mode, I discovered, I hadn’t really done all that I could.

John 2:1-12 we encounter Mary, the mother of Jesus, worrying about there not being anymore wine.  Jesus hardly took recognition to her statement. Why? Because that minor thing wasnt important.  In fact, this first miracle was one of the easiest ones, compared to all the healings, and parting of the red sea.  This miracle also required only a small amount of faith and work from the people.  They did their part and God did the rest.

I want to leave you guys with a thought.   Evaluate your circumstance and situation and see if you have done all that you can.  Once you have done all you can, leave it to God, and shift your docus to loving and helping others. You will then see God move in miraculous ways.