

Wise words bring many benefits,and hard work brings rewards….. Proverbs 12:14

Speak abundance, work hard, trust God….  I see an overflow happening in my life, I feel an overflow happening in my life, and without knowing it I looked up and I was stepping into my destiny….

Can you say PRODUCTIVE!!!!

Can you say PRODUCTIVE!!!!

Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich. Proverbs 10:4

So during this season I am so busy.  Working, studying, training, and soon to be moving back to MD.  

The thing is the more productive I am the more I produce.  We all should be so busy focusing on our dreams and goals that we have no time for gossip, bullying, judging, or any evil doings.  

Because remember this is our year of the JUMP.  

Hard work definitely does pay off.  I’m a witness.  I forfeit fun and spending money recklessly to invest in me and my education and future but by this time next year I will be a part of several thriving businesses servicing the DMV area.  

I’m excited for what’s to come knowing that its only a matter of days before I FLY…………..

❤❤❤❤❤❤Happy Thursday❤❤❤❤❤❤



I wanna move.  I want to go back to MD but not now…. I’m in a place where I’m uneasy at my current job because of corruption and I never really liked NC anyways but had to come to regroup after going thru a shady marriage.

While reading Proverbs I felt God say be patient, use good judgment, and discernment before acting.  You see He never said Dont JUMP and move but to get understanding, knowledge, and discernment before I go.

I believe this is strictly preparation advice.  I’m working on certifications but I need a job offer and a place before I just up and move back.  It would be nice to up and move like I did the first time but with 3 kids following me that would not use wisdom, discernment, nor would it be understanding

Sometimes in life a JUMP is required in order to be happy and fulfill your destiny.  Sometimes we are pushed off the cliff but this time I believe God will allow me to just JUMP…☺☺☺😍😍😍

My Warpted Imagination..

My Warpted Imagination..

This morning during meditation I started imagining one thing and before you know it my mind ran wild.  Lol…  Its funny in a sense because God did give me a gift of vision but its not funny when my visions turn into warp fantasies depicting evil desires.

Let’s be honest we all have twisted imaginations.  The thing is, we have all imagined when that car cut us off  ramming it with our car and/or that slow pedestrian intentionally walking across the street like a snail  mashing the gas and booting him/her out the way.

What I have learned tho is that even our thoughts produce power.  These thoughts produce negative vibes which in turn affects our whole body and God forbid we speak… Eeeeeee….

So this morning as my mind ran I suddenly started paying attention to my thoughts and redirected them back on the purpose.  And that purpose is to live, love, and laugh.  For this is what God is….

Take inventory of your thoughts today.

❤❤❤❤❤Happy Thursday❤❤❤❤❤



I want sex.  You want sex.  We… All…. Want… Sex….. Cuz its good right?  Last night I had an awkward moment.  I was lying in an extreme desire to be physically stimulated and nothing happened.

First I wanna say that these were my thoughts.  I was having real live fantasies while conversing with someone.  You see I have been on a sex hiatus, but I still have those urges.

We all know sex was intended for marriage but how do we really stop those urges?

Common sense.  We use wisdom and judgement.  And heres how it goes once I get those urges..

Urges: u need sex

Kelly:ur right

Urges: u should call…..

Kelly: yea I could but he is not committed to me which means he could be having sex with 1000 women.

Urges: well call….

Kelly:  yea but I think he would want more and honestly I Dont want nothing from him.

You see when your dating with purpose you refuse to risk your sexual/physical health and also refuse to waste time.

I don’t know if anyone has tried this but this is what I use in making choices for sexual pleasures with candidates.  I sit and analyze and if the bad outweigh the good which in most times if ur single it will I just Dont do it.
Its not easy but its worth it…….

Happy Wednesday…

Wisdom & Faith

Wisdom & Faith

When in doubt look up then around….

Proverbs 2:20

Hebrews 12:1


Follow the steps of good men and stay on the path.  Since we have all these examples around us (of faith)
I believe all that we need are in us and around us, if only we take the time to search…..
☺☺☺☺☺Happy Monday☺☺☺☺☺

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

This year I embarked on the Jump movement.  Now while it may seem easy to some of you I have so many dreams and goals it was a struggle for me.  So while meditating God whispered rush and slow down.  My mind was so congested that I really had to sit be still and ask myself what did I want to do.  

While doing this I came up with a solution that was so easy it was actually self education.  So while I work I will earn my accounting certificate so that after this year I can be my own boss and also put myself thru nursing school.   The certification is kinda expensive but its online and it allows me to still work and be a single parent.

I recommend you guys use this year as your jump year.  I believe that we should set ourselves up to be God dependent and self sufficient.  

I am an entrepreneur at heart.  I want to be able to homeschooling my children, cook for my husband, run multiple successful businesses all in the comfort of my own home or office.  I believe God will make this possible with the power that He upholds……..

Stay tuned 2017 year of success….



Today I was moved to read John 6…  I try to constantly maintain a good  relationship with God. My morning times are times when its quiet and I can think and pour out my heart to Him and oftentimes he will direct me to scriptures.

John 6:9

“There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish.  But what good is that with this huge crowd?”

Life happens, so at times we only have a little time, a little energy, a little money, and a little sanity to give.  Not only to give to God but to give to people.  

I oftentimes get caught up with thinking I’m not spending enough time with God or people, but today God spoke give what little you have.  So even if I wake up in the morning late and my designated time with God is cut short still give the little.  Even if its a simple text to see if people are alright still do it.  And even if its my last dime but my neighbor needs it still give it.  You see God is a God of multiplying.  The little we give He will multiply times 10.  Just like the little 2 fish the boy gave God was able to feed thousands.

So let’s continue to give people even if we think its little God can and still does use this…..