

Death on the physical is inevitable.  But I wanna talk about death in the spiritual, mental,emotional, and financial aspects.  

I think most of the time we focus on physical but fail to realize that some of us now, are walking around dead.  Dead spirits, dead hope, dead finances, and emotionally dead. 

We have given up on dreams, visions, goals, and wealth.  We have succomb to being mediocre, content, and OK with our current mental state.

Our life is not to be a revolving door of the same things.  We are meant to grow. So I challenge you all to ask God to breathe life into those dead areas in your life.  And when He does cuz He will, then do your part.

Faith without works is dead…..

Let’s take action!!!

Dry bones come alive…….
😘😘😘😘😘Happy Tuesday😘😘😘😘😘

The move…..

The move…..

The minute I stopped worrying, thinking, and debating…..  I started planning and putting things into action…..  Things started happening.

This year I have been focused on moving.  Not just physically but in all areas.  Putting my dreams into fruitation….And it works.

Yesterday I filled out applications and got several call backs. Not only did I get call backs from job I started looking for places and seen some good prospective apartments at reasonable prices.

I think one of my problems was I would have all these bright ideas but would never ACT on them.  Not anymore..

2017 is the year of the JUMP and if I fall, (which I probably won’t) I have to believe that God will catch me.  The happiest I have ever been was up north and I’m going back to that happiness real soon.  Sooner than I thought but soon enough.

I encourage you all to chase your happiness.  Go after it with a passion and serve your purpose.

God is right there to make it work…. 

❤❤❤❤❤Happy Tuesday❤❤❤❤❤



I wanna move.  I want to go back to MD but not now…. I’m in a place where I’m uneasy at my current job because of corruption and I never really liked NC anyways but had to come to regroup after going thru a shady marriage.

While reading Proverbs I felt God say be patient, use good judgment, and discernment before acting.  You see He never said Dont JUMP and move but to get understanding, knowledge, and discernment before I go.

I believe this is strictly preparation advice.  I’m working on certifications but I need a job offer and a place before I just up and move back.  It would be nice to up and move like I did the first time but with 3 kids following me that would not use wisdom, discernment, nor would it be understanding

Sometimes in life a JUMP is required in order to be happy and fulfill your destiny.  Sometimes we are pushed off the cliff but this time I believe God will allow me to just JUMP…☺☺☺😍😍😍

Wisdom & Faith

Wisdom & Faith

When in doubt look up then around….

Proverbs 2:20

Hebrews 12:1


Follow the steps of good men and stay on the path.  Since we have all these examples around us (of faith)
I believe all that we need are in us and around us, if only we take the time to search…..
☺☺☺☺☺Happy Monday☺☺☺☺☺

Midday Madness….


I was having a conversation with one of my associates and what kept coming out her mouth was negativity and dependency on a man.  Not THE MAN a man.  So I got a little irritated and before you know it I was trying to force her to see the good in her and what she can accomplish if she relied solely on God and her own power that He has equipped her with.

I prayed and felt God saying:

Stop trying to force yourself, your opinion, your views and your greatness on others.  I am in charge and I give them free will.  I told God that I want her to see to which He replied I do too but Im a gentlemen and they have to see for themselves.

Alot of times we see soooo much potential in people that they fail to see in themselves, however we must step back and reassure them that we are there for them but we can not force our will or Gods will on their lives.  We must remain encouraging, less judgemental, and show love.

Enjoy the rest of your day loves…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

This year I embarked on the Jump movement.  Now while it may seem easy to some of you I have so many dreams and goals it was a struggle for me.  So while meditating God whispered rush and slow down.  My mind was so congested that I really had to sit be still and ask myself what did I want to do.  

While doing this I came up with a solution that was so easy it was actually self education.  So while I work I will earn my accounting certificate so that after this year I can be my own boss and also put myself thru nursing school.   The certification is kinda expensive but its online and it allows me to still work and be a single parent.

I recommend you guys use this year as your jump year.  I believe that we should set ourselves up to be God dependent and self sufficient.  

I am an entrepreneur at heart.  I want to be able to homeschooling my children, cook for my husband, run multiple successful businesses all in the comfort of my own home or office.  I believe God will make this possible with the power that He upholds……..

Stay tuned 2017 year of success….

Selfishness….. THIS GUY

Selfishness….. THIS GUY

Goodmorning!!!  See I told you there is something about THIS GUY that motivates me to write.  So on yesterday I sat and explained to THIS GUY that he was very selfish.  I told him he doesnt speak with anyone except who he wants and basically I was just fussing and crying for some attention.  Fast forward…..

This morning I get my bible out and started praying and meditating.  While doing this the Spirit brings to mind how selfish I am.  How I dont reach out to others either, only to those I want to.  Then thoughts start to run thru my mind.  Kelly you too are actually in your own little world and no one gets contacted either unless Kelly feels like it.

People this is not the mind of Christ.  God is full of faithfulness and unfailing love.  Alot of times we call out what we dont like in others but PLEASE DO REMEMBER THAT IS A DIRECT REFLECTION OF YOU…….  I too am very selfish.  So I must say I thank God and THIS GUY for showing me exactly who I am.  A very selfish being.

IT is my prayer that God removes this trait from me.  How do I exhibit this to people because its so many?  REACH OUT is what He responds.  Just as I scolded THIS GUY for not reaching out with just a simple text because it only takes a minute I can do just the same.  Funny how correction comes when you THINK you are correcting someone else ESPECIALLY WHEN CORRECTION AINT EVER YOUR JOB ANYWAYS…….




First of all to all my followers and the WordPress community SORRY…  I haven’t really been taking this blogging thing seriously and honestly as my outlet, I have suffered.  I believe in a community where we build each other and show love and WordPress has given me that.

So…….  I got officially divorced 2 weeks ago.  Now, to those who have been following me, yall know that I advocated for making a marriage work & believed God would restore my marriage.  However, something’s aren’t worth restoring.  After much prayer and thought, I realized both me and my ex husband had broken the marriage vows a long time ago in whatever ways, and God wanted better for me because this marriage wasn’t in His plans it was mines….

Now this article is just a quick introduction on what will be many countless attempts to save myself the trouble of marrying again in vain and trusting God in my everyday life.  Yes this will be my journey of dating, waiting (remaining abstinent), and just growing as an individual.  I don’t have everything planned out and really don’t know where God has me going BUT I am trusting Him more and more daily, as He has my best interest at Heart.



Morning Minutes; Seasons

Morning Minutes; Seasons

This morning on the way to work I noticed a swift change in the seasons.  This made me think of the seasons of life and I wanted to probe a question: Which season are you in?

This season in my life Im mourning and healing alot.  As I celebrated my 2nd Anniversary, reality hit me that although married 2 years I have been single just the same.  I also realized Ive lost alot and succumb to alot during the last 2 years.

It wasnt until I submitted to the process and aLlowed God to enter into the season to heal me and restore that I actually knew what it meant and felt what it meant to let go.

Leting go is releasing the need to control and allowing yourself to feel the pain.  This season holds alot of tears, fears, and anger.  But most importantly, this season holds healing and change, both internally and externally.

So as I walk thru this season, taking my time not to rush it, I allow myself to feel.  This means you may see me crying in the grocery store or laughing hysterically for no reason that the eyes can see.  This doesnt mean im crazy this is just me allowing God and my soul to simply be….

I want to encourage others to join the healing bandwagon and I want to discourage some to not judge.

You may not understand the process but everything is working out for our good…


Evening Edibles; Healing


Day 1 of letting go…. Letting go of the past, the future, and all the other Kelly thoughts as I rest, observe, and get permission from God to enjoy my life and live it His way….